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Tidal Wave

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  an Aloha Lagoon Mystery



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  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright © 2022 by Beth Prentice

  Gemma Halliday Publishing

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

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  The lights of Aloha Lagoon twinkled like a magical fairyland against the inky water beneath us. The black sky above was sprinkled with stars, a sliver of moonlight illuminating a path to the shore, and the gentle lap of the waves licked the sides of our tiny boat, peacefully rocking us. The warm, salty breeze rippled through my hair, causing it to tickle my cheek, and a deep, contented sigh escaped my lips.

  "Could tonight get any better?" I snuggled my cheek deeper into Casey's chest, the musky scent of his aftershave filling my senses as his warmth filled my soul.

  His muscles tensed, and he shifted uncomfortably against me.

  "Well, the moon could have been a bit brighter." Casey rarely complained, and his tone jarred me.

  "The moon's perfect," I coaxed, looking up at him. "The food is perfect. The entire night is perfect." Leaning towards him, my lips found his, and for a moment I fell into their softness. In that instant my world was perfect. I had everything I could ever want. I had Casey.

  His large hand reached out and tangled itself in my hair before his thumb caressed my cheek. When he hurriedly pulled away from me, a coolness swept in, and I shivered against it.

  "I was also hoping that the ocean was just a little calmer," he added, his British accent flat. "And that a few fewer boats were on the water tonight. Their wash is rocking us from side to side, and I'm starting to feel seasick."

  I laughed. "It's fine."

  A family on their way home from a fishing trip called "Aloha," and Casey pulled his arm from beneath me, sitting up straight, and I felt more than saw his muscles tense.

  A coolness replaced his warmth, and for the first time tonight, anxiety snaked its way into my happiness.

  "Is everything okay?" I gulped.

  "Yeah, everything is great."

  Then why was he moving away from me?

  "Sam," he started, sitting hard on the seat facing me and rubbing the back of his neck. Even in the soft glow of the minimal moon, I could see the adorable creases on his forehead deepen. He looked down at the bottom of the boat, and the air between us tensed. My breath quickened, and I fought hard to control it. He wasn't going to break up with me, was he? I mean, I knew that I had a habit of getting myself into all kinds of trouble. But he knew that was only because I was trying to help, right?

  Well, if I was totally being honest, it was also because I was a bit nosy, but it didn't feel productive to point that out at that present moment in time.

  "Yes." I upped the smile, hoping that my mini, internal freak-out was unwarranted.

  Casey's movements were jerky as he fumbled with his jeans, tugging the fabric against his legs. He swept his free hand across his forehead, and the light from a passing boat illuminated the glint of sweat on his brow.

  Tonight was warm, which was normal for Kauai, but it wasn't that warm.

  "Ummm, there's something I need to talk to you about." He licked his full lips, and despite the twist in my belly, I fought against the urge to kiss him.

  Oh boy.

  "Last month when you were…"

  "Casey, stop." I knew what was coming. I'd heard it all before. "I know what you're going to say. You hate that I keep getting caught up in other people's problems. I have no regard to my safety or how that impacts those around me. And I've told you again and again that I'm sorry. I was only joking when I said I should be a detective." I moved forward, kneeling in front of him. "I'm done with that now. I promised you I would mind my own business from now on, and I will! Please, please believe me." My heart had skipped a couple of beats while I looked into his eyes. Casey had the most amazing eyes, and despite the fact that it was dark and I couldn't see their blue depths, I knew that the torture I had previously put him through with my antics would be shining bright.

  "Sam. It's not that…"

  "I know how upset you were recently when I put my own life in danger trying to help Alani, and I'm sorry. I truly am." I took a deep, shuddery breath as I grabbed his hands. "Well, I'm not sorry I helped her, but…you know. I'm sorry about the other stuff."

  Recently my BFF Alani had been accused of murdering her ex-boyfriend, and I had helped clear her of the charges. True, it wasn't the first murder I had been involved with solving, so I understood Casey's point.

  "That's not what I was going to say, but now that you mention it…"

  What? "No, forget I said anything, then. Sorry. So sorry." Oh geez, I really needed to keep my mouth shut.

  A boat chugged past, the wash rocking us a little more violently, and Casey cursed.

  "This was supposed to be perfect." He sighed, sadness tinting his words. "I wanted it all to be just right."

  "It is perfect!"

  "No Sam, you don't understand. I've planned tonight for weeks now. I had everything organized. I spoke to your dad…"

  "My dad?" I interrupted.

  "Yes, your dad! I organized your favorite foods, your favorite drinks. I know how much you love the ocean, so I hired the boat and told you that I thought it would be a great place for a picnic." His words were rushed as he shook his head forcibly. "I just forgot how busy it can get out here at night, and I forgot to check the moon phase. It was supposed to be a full moon so that I could see your face, read your emotions. It was supposed to be perfect."

  He fumbled in his pocket as he spoke, his movements erratic, his head held low.

  "Urgh!" he cried, yanking his hand free.

  "Casey, tonight is perfect. Well, it was. Until I mentioned all my failings, that is."

  "You have no failings," he whispered, moving to kneel in front of me. "I do hate when you put yourself in danger, but that's only because I love you."

  "You love me?" I smiled, and the anxious butterfly in my belly was pushed aside by an excited flip.

  "Of course I love you. Why else would I ask you to marry me?"

  His outstretched hand took mine, and he placed a ring into
my palm. The light from the passing boat caught the diamond, and my breath stuck in my throat. Tears burned bright as he closed his fingers around mine and held tight.

  "Samantha Jane Reynolds, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Please."

  Casey's accelerated breath was loud in my ear, drowning my gasp. Time stood still momentarily as I stared at the band glittering in the moonlight. Only when I could regain control of my voice did I whisper, "Yes. Yes!"

  Casey's grin exploded as he took the ring and slid it gently onto my finger.

  The gold band was cool against the raging heat that flushed my body. I felt giddy with light-headedness as Casey's hand trembled against mine, and my nose crinkled as I beamed at him.

  The urge to jump for joy was overwhelming, and I pushed up off my feet, flinging myself into his arms. Caught off guard, Casey held me tight and tried to steady us, but the erratic movement coincided with a slightly bigger wave coming from another passing boat. Momentum wasn't playing nice, and before we knew it, the boat rocked and rolled, Casey lost his balance, and we both fell over the side and into the cool Aloha Lagoon water.



  Three weeks later…

  "Sam! Calm down." Casey's electric blue eyes bored into mine as he looked down at me through his thick lashes, his fingers leaving small white impressions on my arms.

  "Calm down?" I whispered. "How can I calm down? We're about to get married in a surprise ceremony which neither my parents nor yours know anything about. What if your parents hate me? Actually, don't answer that. I think your mother already does."

  I glanced over his shoulder at his mum laughing at something my dad had just said. I cringed, wondering what embarrassing story he was telling her, and pulled my attention back to Casey, noting the corner of his lips turning up ever so slightly.

  "My mum does not hate you." He chuckled, pulling me in close. "She's just jetlagged. You know my family only arrived in town from England last night."

  I took some deep, shuddery breaths and inhaled his scent, allowing it to calm the butterflies zipping around my belly.

  We were presently standing in a room filled with our closest loved ones under the guise of our engagement party. When Casey had told me that his parents, five sisters, and their partners and children were all coming to Aloha Lagoon for a vacation, we'd both decided it was a great time to get married. At the time a surprise wedding parading behind an engagement party had sounded fun, but when I'd met his mother and explained that tonight was said party, she hadn't looked impressed. Apparently, Casey hadn't told them that he'd proposed, as he'd wanted to surprise them.

  "Give it a rest, you two." Casey's sister Olivia bumped his shoulder jovially.

  "Ah, you're just jealous because your husband is stuck chatting to Dad." Casey laughed and released his hold on me.

  Olivia was Casey's youngest sister. As he was the only boy in a family of six children, he was beyond spoiled and loved by his entire family.

  "Dad's retelling him the story of how he and Mum first met," Olivia explained, in her British accent. "I think if Jason has to hear the story one more time, he might just divorce me."

  Casey laughed. "Are you having a good time?"

  "Yeah. Sam, your mum is gorgeous. You look so much alike."

  Not the first time I'd heard that we looked more like sisters than mother and daughter, but as I agreed that my mum was gorgeous, I accepted the compliment with a smile.

  "And your brother Luke is so funny. Some of his stories are hysterical." She threw her head back and laughed, I guessed, at a recent memory.

  "Hahaha. What's he telling you?" Oh geez. If this was about me, I was going to kill him.

  "When you first arrived in Aloha Lagoon from Australia, you got the sides of the road muddled up and you nearly ran the vicar over with your push bike." Her smiled flashed, reminding me of Casey's.

  I inwardly cringed.

  "And then," she continued, fanning herself with her hand as tears of laughter welled, "he was saying when you lived in Sydney, Australia, you lost your swimsuit in the surf one day, and the Bondi lifeguards had to rescue you from a rip current." She dabbed the moisture from her lashes as she recalled one of the most humiliating moments of my life. "Is it true that the crowd on the beach that day was over thirty thousand?"

  "I've never heard this story," Casey replied, looking at me, his eyes filled with humor.

  "Yes, well. You don't need to know everything about me. It's good to keep some mystery in a relationship."

  "Is it true that you two are twins?" Olivia asked. "It's just that you don't seem anything alike."


  "One of us has to be the sensible one, right?" If I was completely honest with myself, Luke was probably the most sensible of the two of us, but I hated admitting that aloud. Especially to someone who may just take that information back to him. I loved my brother and did not need him getting an inflated ego. He was already impossible to live with.

  Olivia put her arm around Casey's waist and hugged him. "You don't tell anyone embarrassing stories about me, do you?"

  "Yes. All the time," he replied. "Do you remember when…"

  Olivia blushed and then cut him off before he could retell whatever story he was about to divulge. I made a mental note to ask him about it later. "Did you know there's an event in the function room next door?"

  You'd have to be deaf not to know. Their loud music and raucous guests seemed to be having the time of their lives.

  Casey and I nodded.

  "Did you know who the host of the party is, though?" Her eyes were wide, glistening with excitement as she released her hold on Casey.

  "Nope, but I'm guessing you're about to tell me," he replied.

  She leaned in close, her voice a loud whisper. "It's Kennedy King!"

  "Who?" I asked.

  Olivia's shoulders snapped back as she looked at me, dumbfounded. "Ummm, he's only the hottest reality TV star to ever have walked the earth. Have you never watched At Home with the Kings?"

  "No, sorry. I have no idea who he is."

  Seconds later Olivia had whipped her cell phone from her bag and had opened the Instagram app. "Here he is in season one," she explained, showing me a photo of an extremely good-looking man. His dark hair was cut short, his beard was groomed, and his eyes reminded me of melted chocolate. Add that to his very ripped body, and I think I audibly sighed. "We're now on to season three," she continued, her eyes soft and dreamy. "But his following is in the millions. He's such a good role model too. That's his wife, Cherie Michaels. How gorgeous is she?" I didn't think Olivia really wanted an answer, as she continued without taking a breath, still scrolling through photo after photo. "He's such a good husband. So loyal to her, and he loves his family. They don't have any children yet, but I think in the next season, they may just surprise us with a baby."

  "How do you know all this?" Casey asked.

  "It's, like, my life! You can stream the show daily, and I never miss an episode."

  "How do you know he's in the room next door though?" I asked.

  "Oh, I bumped into his wife in the ladies' bathroom. At first I was like, that can't be her. But then I heard her talking to her friend, and I recognized her voice instantly."

  "Wow. I wonder if any photos of our wedd…I mean engagement party will appear online?" Heat flushed my cheeks at my blunder.

  "Oh geez, I thought you were about to say wedding!" Olivia guffawed.

  "My mistake," I mumbled.

  "Mum would have a fit if you got married tonight. She's still reeling from the shock of the fast engagement."

  "It's not a fast engagement," Casey explained as I leaned into him, feeling like I'd been slapped. "We just thought that while you guys were all here, we may as well have a party."

  "Yeah sure. Great." Sarcasm laced her words. "Whatever makes you happy, Case. You know we love you, and that's all we want."

  "Sam! Sam! Can I have a moment please?" The high
-pitched voice of my wedding planner cut through the buzzing in my ears.

  "Whitney!" I exclaimed, grateful for the distraction. "Is everything okay?"

  Usually Whitney was a vision of control. Every time we'd met, her blonde hair was tied neatly in an elegant bun at the nape of her neck. Her bright pink lipstick stayed in place with the help of her expertly applied lip liner, and her long legs and elegant figure were always encased in the latest styles from the Aloha Lagoon boutiques. Today, however, her off-the-shoulder, form-fitted black dress sat askew, her lipstick looked like it had been eaten off, and her large clipboard looked like it carried the weight of the world.

  "Yes, yes. Everything is going great. Nothing for you to worry about."

  Then why did her hair look like she'd been pulled through a hedge backwards?

  "I just wanted to check in with you," she continued, her eyes darting between Olivia and me.

  Olivia got the hint and shrugged. "Well, I'm going to see if I can spot Kennedy King. Have fun."

  Whitney's shoulders relaxed slightly with Olivia's retreating back. She leaned in close, her voice hushed as she swept her forearm across her brow, smudging her mascara in the process. "Are you ready to start the ceremony as scheduled?"

  I nodded. "Is everything going according to plan?"

  "Yes, yes. Everything is ready to go." Her smile looked manic. "The meal is planned to be served at six o'clock, but…well, how do I put this?" Heat flushed her face as her voice wavered. "The caterer is being a teeny bit awkward."

  "Vivienne? What's she doing?" My belly twisted itself in knots, and I wondered if I was getting an ulcer. Was twenty-eight too young for such things?